Level 7 Web & Email

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Current server time:
Sat 15 Mar 2025 12:20 AM

Solid, Secure, Speedy Web Sites

Our webservers run software developed in Australia to satisfy the highest demands of security, reliability and speed.

Building your Web Site

We support most web design tools including Dreamweaver and we encourage customers to be responsible for their own site construction and maintenance.  However we're willing to do this for you on a time-and-materials basis.

For customers without in-depth, in-house web design skills we use and recommend "VWcms", a web Content Management System which builds fast-loading web sites to suit many users' requirements.  The Level7 web site you are now reading is built almost entirely using VWcms!

Scripting Support

The webserver software supports scripting in commonly-used languages as well as a few which are specific to the host operating system:

Database Support

We support a variety of databases:

If you require Oracle Rdb, INGRES, MIMER, Caché or another database engine, please enquire!